The Complete Egg

The before, during and after of a molar pregnancy, with a side of chemo and a 12 month wait before ttc. And most recently: experience of a healthy pregnancy.

Friday, September 08, 2006

While thinking about the various ways I could spend my time during the day, I happened upon the idea of keeping a blog. A bold step for me considering that I get super paranoid about people reading my journal. Why blogging? I now have 4 months off work and trying to find something to join or people to hang out with during the day in this city is like trying to find a blog devoted to molar pregnancies. I'm sure it must exist and I will find it but it's going to take time and a whole lot of searching. Most people work during the day. Or so I thought. But there's a ton of people at the market during the day and they can't all be tourists, can they? I thought I'd document my attempts to create daytime community in a beautiful but reserved (ice cold actually) city. Oh yeah, and along the way I'll probably talk a lot about pregnancy loss and molar pregnancies/GTN/chemo treatment because that's why I'm off work for 4 months.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. Vancouver can be a cold city. I think people are competing for (a perceived lack of) space and resources here and it becomes part of their outlook. I hope you find your community.

1:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You aren't the only one home...but I don't live near you. I'm a stay-at-home mom and I'm new to the molar pregnancy thing. I was diagnosed a week ago today. I am presently waiting for my #'s to come back from my blood test today...I also had a chest x-ray. I should be getting a call from my Dr. in a few hours. I'm scared. I pray that everything is good. Thank you for being so open with your struggles, it inspires me to share my own with people around me... so many people don't know yet.

2:08 PM  
Blogger Chantelle said...

Hi Bethany,
I'm sorry for your loss. It's so soon for you. I know for me that a week after I was in a pit of despair. I know that waiting for numbers is agonizing. How is your doctor? Do you like him/her? I found it to be a very frightening process and I hadn't had any previous experiences with the medical system. It's quite a trip. I plan to blog a lot about it so you can read about what it has been like for me. I've told a bunch of people in my life but it can be hard to answer all of the questions. Hang in there. You will be okay. It has helped me to talk about it online with other women who have been through it. Have we met on


3:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got my hcg levels back and they are 240, last friday
they were 1,659, and the friday before they were 123,000 (the day I had my D&C). So there's something to be excited about! I love my Dr. so far. She is young, and inexperienced, but has a strong drive to help. I was her first patient at her new job- and her first molar, she thought that was pretty crazay- we also share the same bday. She has called me directly a lot, she called on Monday to ask how my bleeding was going and said that she spent the whole weekend researching. That gave me a lot of comfort. She also gave me her personal cell # and email add. How cool is that? We're from a small town, but still. I think she can understand the emotional aspect because she has a 4 mo. old- it's all still fresh. She has also been concerned for my emotional well-being, which has been comforting. So she's not experienced, but I trust her. She had me go in for a chest x-ray just to be sure, so she is playing things safe. I've been messaging on mymolarpregnancy, so that's good- yeah, we've met. Thanks again. Wish me luck!

7:49 AM  
Blogger Chantelle said...

I'm so glad that your levels are coming down on their own and you have a great doctor! I think that can make all the difference in the world. You can actually talk to her whenever you want? That's is almost unimaginable for me considering my gyny would never get on the phone. Keep me posted about your levels. And, Good luck!

11:06 AM  

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