The Complete Egg

The before, during and after of a molar pregnancy, with a side of chemo and a 12 month wait before ttc. And most recently: experience of a healthy pregnancy.

Friday, September 22, 2006

I feel pretty good today. I'm not sure what has shifted but it feels like something has. I am still enjoying blogging but I'm wondering if my purpose has changed. Originally, I thought that it may be useful to others who are going through this. I know how rare it is and when I looked for a blog I couldn't find much, especially by someone who had gone on to have chemo. I was really interested in people reading about my experience and was looking forward to comments. Maybe there are some people reading this but I don't get any comments. So I have changed my focus somewhat and I'm writing for me. I want to document this time in my life and the writing seems to help. And hey, if this happens to help someone along the way then all the better.

I've been searching for a new place to live. I think that M and I could use a total shift in environment...a new chapter. So there are a few places opening up near one of the universities and it would be closer to our workplaces. I'm hoping that that works out. There are a lot of places around here that remind me of my two previous pregnancies. It's like when you break up with someone and certain places remind you of that relationship, times you spent together and how you felt when you were last at that place.

Along with that theme of change, I am very open to forming some new connections with people. I want to meet new people and make some new friends. Sometimes it feels hard to do that in this city and other times it all just falls into place. I'll have to join something....what though? Yoga, pottery, fitness class,....? I've signed up to a Knitting meet-up and the next one is on Oct.2 I think. I'm going to avoid talking about the chemo I think. That would be a conversation stopper. However, if it comes up, I won't avoid it.


Blogger Nicole said...

I just stumbled upon your blog and after just having my D&C 4 days ago, I really must tell you.. this is exactly the blog I needed to find! We still don't know if our molar was complete or not, and we test my first post HCG on Wednesday. I'm nervous and scared of the possibility of chemo. However, seeing your beautiful son and reading a few of your recent posts.. well it all makes me feel alive again. THANK YOU for doing this and THANK YOU for making me stronger today.

1:16 PM  

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