The Complete Egg

The before, during and after of a molar pregnancy, with a side of chemo and a 12 month wait before ttc. And most recently: experience of a healthy pregnancy.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Morning of Mourning

So Sunday mornings are my set aside time to grieve. I did a bit of journaling this morning and allowed myself to feel all the "poor me" thoughts that I often try to hastily suppress when they come up.

A friend and I have scheduled a "Honour the Goddess" day for each month. It's our intention to make a habit out of nurturing ourselves. Yesterday was our first HtG day. We went to a spa and I got a pedicure while she got a manicure. It was very nice. It was my first time having a pedicure. I didn't know how I'd feel about it but I enjoyed it and my feet do look and feel a lot better. Other ideas that we have are to go for a steam or sauna, facials and reflexology and shiatsu massage. If you have any other ideas for Honour the Goddess days, please leave a comment by clicking on comments at the bottom of this post.

My grief seems to be less intense these days. It sneaks up on me these days. Like at the spa. There was a pregnant employee and the thought that immediately popped into my mind was, "Oh God, not me, not me. Let her work on my friend's hands but don't be so cruel as to send her to me." How ironic really. I'm going to the spa (for the first time I might add) to nuture myself and recover from the 2 pregnancy losses I've had and who do I get as an esthetician? The pregnant one. The universe has a good sense of humour. But actually, thankfully, she was not the one who helped us out. This is my day of mourning so I am not going to apologize for that thought. I know I could have "handled" the whole situation just fine but I didn't want to. Not on the day that I'm being totally selfish.

I tried to do a bit of art therapy this morning. Basically, it consists of writing down your intention (like, "My intention is to discover more about how I'm feeling and what's under the surface) and then closing your eyes and relaxing or meditating. Then, you shift your attention to your body and notice any areas of tension or pain or other physical symptoms. You gently let any images arise. Sometimes they do and other times they don't. Then you put the images down on paper or you select a colour and just start to put down colour or do a scribble drawing and look for images in the scribble drawing. I have very little drawing ability and my drawings often look like they are drawn by a five-year-old. This has provided a chance for me to come to understand my inner critic (who is loud and very mean). After creating the image, you journal about the experience of creating it and what it brought up. Some good books that describe this kind of journaling are: "The Creative Journal" by Lucia Capacchione and "Visual Journaling" by Ganim and Fox.

I've been having a lot of vivid dreams these days. Last night it was like I was viewing a movie and I was one of the characters in the movie. I was being chased by these people who were demons. These people were my highschool classmates (ha!). I was looking for help and found some protection with this one guy but then I realized that he was on their side. Paranoia. All of this took place in Prague and I was running around trying not to encounter these demons. There was more to it but it's so confusing that I don't really think I can explain it. I think that this is perhaps about some anxiety that's coming up because of returning to work after 4 months off. I think it's also related to trying to escape the grief or fear of grief. Check out this post to see some great motherly advice about trying to avoid grief.

Sometimes, I feel so bone dead tired of the grief. When I say "grief", I am labeling those feelings that come up like: "What if I'm never blessed with a child" or "Look at that sweet pregnant belly" or "I'm suppose to have a baby right now!" or "The only reason I can ski right now is because I don't have a baby" or "Maybe this time next year I will be pregnant again" or "When should we try again?". Those sorts of things. The feeling of 'lack' in my life. I know that my grief is a lot deeper than about what's happened to me in the last year. I grieve for my brother who died and my parents divorcing and even for the grief of my parents (they both each lost a parent at a very young age). I guess it is part of the human experience. The Buddhists would say that we need to make friends with impermanence because it's all that we can count on. Everything changes.


Blogger Anna said...

Hey! Glad my Mum was of use to you as well! She's not bad with her little words of wisdom. Okay, so suggestions for Honour the Goddess day: go berry picking (in the right season), go to a flower market or a botanical garden and have brunch there, go on a day cruise... I am in Summer mode. So these might be good for later in the year! I love your idea. I think I'll try it too. It means there is something positive you have to look forward to, rather than counting down to the next blood test or ttc date! Hope your first day back at school was great and that the kids were superb for you!

2:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know you but found your blog. I have been pregnant 4 times and I have one daughter she is 20 months. She is my MIRACLE. Before she was born I had a molar pregnancy with twins. One healthy baby and along with the molar. By the time the doctors discovered what was making me so ill they gave me a week to live. I had to lose not just the molar but the healthy baby in order to save my life. That decision wasn't made by me but my husband and my Mother. The doctors said I was to sick to make rational decisions. A month later we found out that I had cancer and had to go through 9 weeks of chemo. I couldn't be around anyone who was pregnant or had a baby for the longest time. I had no one like me to talk to. I was told to wait 1 year before trying to have a baby. We waited 10 months. I went to my doctor after 9 months and said I don't want to wait any more. He examined me and said I think it will be alright. Just be sure to have sex every three days so your chances are better of becoming pregnant. Well, after one try I was pregnant. Finally. It was the longest 9 months of my life filled with doctors, specialist and tests. However, it was all worth it. Madalyn Claire is now 20 months and she is my MIRACLE. I have since tried to become pregnant and have suffered miscarriages. I have come to the realization that my dream of being a Mother of 3 isn't meant to be. Being pregnant is not something my body does well even though I loved it. I have a daughter she is perfect in every way.

I am so sorry for your loss. I am happy to talk or just listen - I know how hard it is to find someone who has been through the same thing. Your feelings are remarkably like mine I wouldn't have wanted someone pregnant pampering me. If that would have happened I would have either walked out or requested someone else. Its hard to feel good when reminders are under your nose every minute. But I can say this it does get better. You don't forget but time does help and once you are finally holding your baby your miracle you will feel it was all worth it.

Good luck to you. - Madalyn's Mommy

4:22 AM  

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