Call me Monk (I like monk more than Nun)
You know you're either a) old or b) on holiday or c) sick and off work when you start to wonder what the hell day is it? You look at your calendar and it doesn't help. You try to think back to a reference point (Didn't we go out for noodles on Saturday, or was it Friday?) and nothing emerges. Of course you could always check your computer but what fun would that be?
I'm in hermit mode. Another thing I come by honestly. Honestly. My dad is a certified hermit. He's a homebody. He goes out to get library books, go to church and get groceries. That's it, my friends. And now here I am...happiest at home. I still have an agenda book but it's empty except for the days I've indicated 'bleeding'. What would someone think if they read through my agenda book for the last 7 months? They would see M (miscarrying), Bl (bleeding), Sp (spotting), P (period), 14 (day 14 of cycle, ie. possibly ovulating), Dr.Z (drs. apt), u/s (no need to explain), Dr.Z, u/s, bltest (bloodtest), Dr.G, d&c, bl, bl, sp, cl (you guessed it- clot), bltest, bltest, bltest, x-ray, Dr.H, chemo, 270 chemo, 41, P.S(therapist), chemo, 14, P??, chemo, 3.1, X,X,X(as I start to x off the days so I know what day it is. A sad state of affairs.
What do I do all day? Let's see:
- get up at anywhere btwn 9:30 and 12 (not kidding)
- meditate (I can actually write that because I've done it now for 2 days!)
- check email, check craig's list for new apts, read blogs, post to blog
- eat
- talk to M on the phone
- check email, surf, read blogs, check craigslist
- go for walk to Granville market, go to library, get coffee, groceries
- nap
- watch a show
- make dinner
- watch a movie/show or read
- bed
Here's what my "should" day would look like:
- get up at 8:30
- meditate
- walk, have coffee, journal
- meet-up with friend
- tidy-up/clean house
- work out
- make dinner
- go to yoga class
- read
- bed
Only the priviledged. I'm lucky I'm getting medical leave pay. There's much to be grateful for.
Hellz yeah! Medical leave pay rocks!!
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