The Complete Egg

The before, during and after of a molar pregnancy, with a side of chemo and a 12 month wait before ttc. And most recently: experience of a healthy pregnancy.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

A year minus a day

That's how long ago I had my last massage. That's also when I was first pregnant and didn't yet know it except for that irrational connection I made with a new life inside of me during my massage. I remember lying there as the shiatsu massage therapist manipulated my limbs and I thought, "I'm pregnant" and a few days later I confirmed it. I was so sad tonight to realize it was exactly a year ago. What bad luck I've had. I'm trying to count my blessings but I couldn't believe the coincidence. I don't think I can wait the full year. My body is screaming about wasting time and get on with in already!! Fuck, fuck, fuck! Sorry, I don't usually cuss but that sums up how I'm feeling. I AM SICK OF WAITING! Where is the patience? Gone and out the window.
So mad and upset tonight.


Blogger Anna said...

Oh Chantelle! That is so tough. Doesn't it suck when even beautiful things bring up the crap reminders!? You have come a long way and it really has been a rough road for you. I admire you so much. I am so thankful that you share your good and bad days here... big virtual hug to you!

2:23 AM  

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