5 weeks 1 day. It's so early. I'm trying to have faith. Malc has been helping to remind me about that. I am so lucky to have such a excellent human being in my life. He made me something to help me to remember to have faith and I want to figure out how to post it here.
I didn't sleep well last night. I think I'm filled with some anxiety and I was tossing and turning. I kept noticing any ache or pain and wondering if my breasts were still sore. I know that worrying is not helpful so I will try to find ways to deal with it. Light exercise will help. Laughing. Writing. Visiting with friends. Crying(?).
My current symptoms are sore boobs, slightly stuffed up (not sure if that's a symptom), gas and tearfulness. Okay, I don't think I've ever seen gas and tearfulness in a sentence together (ha!). I'm so aware of how it can all come crashing down like a house of cards.
Thank you Anna from "egg, sperm and mole" for your well wishes. Head over there to congratulate Anna on her pregnancy (yay!). It's nice to have someone to bravely lead the way on this rollercoaster. Also, congrats to Alice at "babymaking blues" and Lori at "Second Chances" on their pregnancies. It's an abundant, happy time!
Not sure how this works, just wanted to let you know that I have been reading your blog for a while. My wife had a persistent molar pregnancy, misdiagnosed, untreated for a few months...diagnosed with gestational trophoblastic disease over 1 year ago...Her case was pretty bad, resistant to several chemos, we had to travel from NY to Boston every week...for 8 months.
She has been HcG neg for about 5 months now, and just beginning to get on with things.
Quite a nightmare.
I just hope everything works out, and I'm glad your long wait is over....I hope that things go as they should.
Just felt it was time to stop snooping and let you know someone's reading.... also, we are going away this week to British Columbia this week, I think its your neck of the woods...Whistler, Vancouver Island, and Vancouver proper...any must sees?
Brant Goldsmith
Congratulations! Wonderful news :-)
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