Monday. I've finished my report card work for the evening. It was okay. Malc's just sitting on the couch right now staring off into space. I wonder what he's thinking about.
I am craving time alone. It was a busy weekend with lots of socializing. I'm wanting freedom. This full-time work thing is soooo demanding!
I've been keeping up with some of the forums and was sad to see that some of the women who have recently become pregnant are now having some bad news. It's so unfair and sad. I want them all to have uneventful pregnancies. What will happen to me? I found out last week that our secretary had 4 miscarriages (3 in a row). She was pretty open about it and it came up in the context of the conversation (with someone else, not me). Sometimes I wish I was more gutsy to talk about what's happened to me but I just don't want to go there. We just never know what people have gone through though. Especially private things, like miscarriages. It's so hidden and someone who's never had one just has no idea what it's like.
I'm listening to Carolyn Myss' CD set on Archetypes. It's interesting. She certainly believes in what she is talking about.
Well, I'm going to try to get to bed early again this evening. That seemed to work for me last night and today I was in a much better frame of mind. I also managed to get some exercise after work. Hooray for me!
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