The Complete Egg

The before, during and after of a molar pregnancy, with a side of chemo and a 12 month wait before ttc. And most recently: experience of a healthy pregnancy.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

I got my nails done yesterday. It's kind of fun to have pretty hands at the moment. Usually, I never pay much attention to my nails. They are so short.

Yesterday was my last day of school and now I am officially on holidays. I'm happy but I'm also feeling depleted and a little down. I'm not quite sure what's going on. I think I feel a little disappointed with this school year. I guess that it makes sense what with all I went through. It was another challenging class this year, with children and parents with considerable needs. I guess that I am feeling tired. And a kind of under-appreciated. I know that I shouldn't expect appreciation. I think that I gave more energy this year than I got back. Somehow I didn't maintain a balance. I think it was hard for some of the new parents because they didn't get to know me very well. Many of them work and I didn't see them too often. I did call them and had a weekly newsletter but I still didn't feel too connected with them. I think that they had connected with the previous teacher at the beginning of the year. Oh well. Chalk it up to a bad year.

I need to focus on me now for the summer and getting back into balance. I want to find my niche in my work-life, actually, in life in general. I haven't felt recently that I am in the right space, if that makes any sense. Is it just about being happy wherever you are, or is it that sometimes we need to move from where we are into a new situation? Maybe I'll be able to see things in a different light when I'm more rested.

I'm off for breakie now. One of my favourite things to do on the weekend. Need to baby myself for a few days.


Blogger Anna said...

I'm a bit slow on the uptake at the moment, so sorry for slow response!

I'm sorry you look back on this year as a 'bad one' in your job. I often feel flat and depleted at the end of a school year. It is such a high intensity job while term is moving and then 'bang' it is all over! Screws with your head! It would be very hard doing half a year with a class and trying to feel that same sense of achievement that you would at the end of a normal school year. I have no doubt you did a brilliant job with your class! They are blessed to have you. And if there were ever a Summer where you'd earned your break, this is well and truly it! Have a fantastic time and pamper wildly!

6:10 PM  

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