The Complete Egg

The before, during and after of a molar pregnancy, with a side of chemo and a 12 month wait before ttc. And most recently: experience of a healthy pregnancy.

Friday, November 16, 2007

It's late. I am going to bed soon but felt the urge to blog. I'm feeling pretty relaxed tonight even though my throat and ear hurt. It's annoying to hear myself complain about my sick symptoms. I think I'm on the mend. My cough is a lot better. I'm going to the doctor this week if my sore throat doesn't improve. I have a feeling that it's a virus but it's probably better to get it checked out. I probably should have got it checked out this week but it's so much work to prep for a sub and then rush back to Vancouver for the appointment. And probably just to be told to get lots of rest and drink lots of fluids. I've been talking to other people and they have had this virus for a long time. Okay, enough of that.

We had an amazing time on Saltspring. The chalet we booked was perfect and it was an amazing getaway. There way a fireplace and a two-person soaker tub and a view of the ocean. My massage was awesome. I need to get massages more often. We made awesome dinners and "holed-up" for one whole day. It was great. The weather was rainy which made it really nice to be cozy inside. I'm so glad we made that happen.

I'm starting to show. Especially after eating because I get very bloated. I'm getting used to this new body. I think I would be feeling better if I got some exercise. I plan to go to prenatal yoga tomorrow. I've also got to write reports. I think I'll take a day off to write them next week. Boring. I'm so boring.

I have an ultrasound this Monday. I'll be just 18 weeks. Sometimes I think I might be feeling movements inside. It feels like tiny bubbles popping, if that makes any sense.

I'm going to have to tell people at work soon. Most of them have guessed I think. I don't really care. I don't really want the attention though. It feels so personal and I don't much want to discuss it. I guess I'm introverted that way. I wonder who will be feeling upset to hear another pregnancy announcement. I know that there is one staff member for sure who is trying to get pregnant right now. She talks about it regularly.

So, off to bed.


Blogger Jen said...

Yup, tiny bubbles sounds right. Congratulations on the bubbles and the pregnancy in general. I'm glad you guys had a nice getaway.

9:32 AM  
Blogger Anna said...

Hooray! Surely that is little Malctelle! Bubbles is exactly what it felt like to me. Or butterflies. After a while it became more like bumps and movements. How exciting!

I hope the ultrasound is great. Is this the morphology scan? Where they check all the organs and things? That was the first scan I actually sat back and enjoyed! Since then I have felt mostly good about how things are going. I hope it is a good turning point for you too. I can relate to your sense of privacy in telling people you are pregnant. After being through what you've been through, it is an intensely personal experience, more so than for others I think. So much stuff is tied up in it. But when this baby comes into the world that is going to blow your mind! You and I both know what an incredible miracle life is!

11:02 PM  

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